AWAN LINKS SERVICES’s latest promotion for CANADA visit visa in just Rs. 1,000,000/- for complete family of four members. You can watch this video for requirements from our valuable clients and for all major concerns. AWAN LINIKS SERVICES is a reputed consultancy firm running from 2007, means having an experience over a decade having head office in CANADA, and associates offices in USA, MALAYSIA, THAILAND, INDIA and PAKISTAN and going more globally. Providing services for IMMIGRATION, STUDENT VISA and VISIT VISAS. In all major cities of mentioned countries we have our associates available for all correspondence. Like our facebook page AWAN LINKS SERVICES for latest updates and promotions.
NOTE:- Only the possible way to apply or inquire is just to send us your updated and complete CV or all information on our mentioned email id “[email protected]”. Our official staff will get in contact then and guide you till maturity of your case. Our CEO will get in touch with those clients who are from PAKISTAN and INDIA to guide them in a stream way.
Kindly do send complete and updated information of all adult (+16 years) applicants for initial basic assessment at [email protected] & required details from your side are as follows:
= Age
= Education. Passing years with percentages=.
= IELTS / TOEFL score if have.
= Past travel / refusal history. =If having any refusal history from CANADA, then do provide application form and refusal letter. If any refusal history from USA, then do provide DS-160 Application form. Required documents are necessary to provide for initial assessment=.
= Marital status. =Kids with ages, if married=
= Wants to apply single or with family =Kids & spouse=
= If married and wants to apply with family then do provide same information for all adult applicants individually.
= Current Occupation / activity.
= If client wants to apply from any other country instead of his / her home country then legal status documentation along with source of income from residing country.
= For VISIT VISA If employed then do mention job title, duration of current job and salary.
= For VISIT VISA If business owner, then do mention your company’s monthly turnover in bank accounts or in cash.
= Your desired country.
= Your required visa status (student/visit/Immigration).
= First two pages of your passport in a scanned form with 600 resolutions.
= All educational documents scanned from front and back OR an updated CV. =For student visa only=
= Your contact numbers along with WhatsApp numbers.
=Any Blood relative in desired country.
= For USA/ CANADA / AUSTRALIA / SCHENGEN / UK visit visa, any reference in said country friend, far friend, relative.
= For dependent or Spouse cases, we need to know the complete status details of an applicant’s spouse, which includes his / her legal residing status, wage slips if salaried and proof of business if having some business, evidences that declares him or her as a tax payer, proof of identity includes residence permit, green card or passport.
NOTE: Children above 21 years of age will not fall under a same visa application along with their family as they are considering to be independent. So, we will not able to cater a child of 21 years or above as a dependent in a case.
After getting all this information, we can guide you anything further. Without getting said details, we are unable to guide you any step further.