How to Work as a Doctor in Canada

To work as a doctor in Canada and get your license to practice medicine can be a long process. So it’s important to stay positive and focus on how you can continue your career as a doctor in Canada.

Doctors belong to a regulated profession in Canada, so you need to know the process of how to become a doctor in Canada. To do this, you can check with the regulatory body in the province or territory where you intend to live. Also, many provinces have international medical graduate (IMG) programs that can help you to navigate the process.


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Four main activities to become a medical doctor in Canada


If you are an international medical graduate, there are four main activities that you must do:

  1. Confirm that your medical degree is from a recognized medical school. You can confirm this by looking at the FAIMER International Medical Education Directory (IMED). Your medical school and qualification must be listed on the directory to be accepted in Canada.

2. Practice the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Exam (MCCQE) online to ensure you are ready for the exam.

3. Submit your credentials through the Medical Council Canada (MCC) Credentials Repository online and create an electronic professional portfolio of your credentials.

4. Take the MCCEE, which is offered in 80 countries.

Related Post:

For more information on how to become a doctor in Canada, visit the MCC website.  You can also contact the regulatory body in the province or territory where you intend to live:



For complete contact information, click here.


Alberta – College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta

British Columbia – College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia

Manitoba – College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba

New Brunswick – College of Physicians and Surgeons of New Brunswick

Newfoundland & Labrador – College of Physicians and Surgeons of Newfoundland & Labrador

Northwest Territories – Government of the Northwest Territories

Nova Scotia – College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia

Nunavut – Nunavut Department of Health and Social Services, Medical Registration Committee

Ontario – College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario

Prince Edward Island – College of Physicians and Surgeons of Prince Edward Island

Québec – College des médecins du Québec

Saskatchewan – College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan

Yukon – Yukon Medical Council


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