“Why should I hire you?” – Best Interview Questions and Answers

WHY SHOULD I HIRE YOU is often the last question you will be asked in an interview. Prepare for it. This is your chance to restate the skills you possess that are most relevant to the position and to summarize your other qualities that make you the perfect person for the job, and that’s why they should hire you. Outline your answer before you go in, so that you can answer clearly, concisely, and with confidence. Your answer should be short and to the point. It should reflect your professional background as it relates to current needs and problems of the position. Review the job description and tell how you are the right person for the job by matching up your skill set with each bullet point of the job description.

In formulating your answer as to why they should hire you, be sure to address these areas:

1. Determine their goals for the position. This should come up during your research into the company and the position. If possible, talk to others who work for the company. If you are unclear on this point, include it in the questions you ask at the interview and be prepared to incorporate it into your answer.

2. Show you have the skills needed for the job. Based on the goals you have identified in step one, determine how your skills and experience support those goals. If necessary, refer back to your list of skills.

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